Fire Damage Restoration

(469) 750-3109

#1 Fire Damage Restoration Services

About Fires

Fires are as deadly as they are unexpected and sudden. They strike without warning and often leave those unprepared with a hefty price to pay. 

Even when you stop a fire in time before anybody is hurt and before anything serious has happened, you’re still left with a lot of smoke and heat damage to deal with.

The first thing you should understand is that fires are complex. Each fire is unique in its own way and therefore the repair processes required are also going to be different. 

We know you probably have a ton of questions and don’t know where to start. Your best bet is to call professionals at Big D Water Damage Restoration and let them handle the repairs. 

(469) 750-3109

Generally, homeowner’s policies do cover fire damage. Coverage can range from assisting with home repairs to paying for temporary relocation costs.

Keeping yourself and your family safe is the most important thing, along with putting out the fire to prevent further damage. As soon as the dust settles, it’s time to start repairing the damage. Contact your insurance company for fire insurance, and then call a restoration specialist like Big D Water Damage Restoration to restore your home.

It is impossible to repair burned wood. You can only change it. Depending on the severity of the fire, you may need to remove or seal it.

If the wood is salvageable, a sealer will reduce smoke smells, conceal stains, and provide a primer for surfaces. We will assist you in making this decision.

smoke damage Dallas

Most Common Causes of Fires

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and our own experience in restoring fire damage for clients point to the following causes of fires being the most common.


According to the NFPA, cooking caused 49% of recorded home fires between 2015 and 2019. It is the #1 cause of house fires. Cooking fires are at their highest risk during Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Heating-related fires are usually caused by space heaters. In contrast to fireplaces and furnaces, space heaters can spark things up when they are placed too near other combustible items.


Another one is electrical problems, such as defective wiring, which is characterized by blinking lights, lights that fade when you turn on appliances, or sparks emanating from an electrical socket. Call us for fire damage restoration!

(469) 750-3109

Benefits of Fire Damage Restoration

Eliminate Threats

Besides being unpleasant, smoke can also be hazardous. As anyone who has ever been next to a campfire would know, everything in your possession quickly begins to smell as if you’ve been living near a wildfire for years. 

If you want to eliminate odors from your house as soon as possible and avoid the health hazards, you should hire a Dallas fire damage restoration company.

Property Value Improvement

If left untreated, fire damage will decrease the value of your property. The longer you delay fire damage restoration, the worse the damage will be and the more money you’ll lose. It is therefore imperative to act. 

Fire damage restoration can restore – and sometimes even improve – the value of your property if you react promptly. Call us for a quote!

(469) 750-3109

water damage restoration Dallas Texas

Best Fire Damage Repair Services in the City!

After all the sparks and flames have been put out, homeowners and business owners are often eager to kickstart the cleaning and restoration process on their own. 

Nevertheless, seeking professional assistance is crucial to ensure that the structure is not further compromised and that you’re not running in circles and wasting time taking on work that’s clearly out of your league. 

A mere day’s delay can lead to more damage, higher costs, and prolonged restoration time. This can all be avoided if you don’t try to play hero and leave this work to somebody who makes a living doing it. 

Our team of disaster restoration specialists is exceptionally skilled in handling fire damage. We can devise a comprehensive plan to eradicate smoke and odors, recover salvageable items, and mitigate all damage.

Big D Water Damage Restoration also provides water damage restoration, water removal, basement water damage repair, sewage cleanup, and storm and flood damage restoration

(469) 750-3109